Blog - Page 3 of 4 - Marcia Mediation

Property division in broken couples can be emotionally and monetarily draining. Finding a fair divide can be difficult, whether the assets are business assets, investments, or a shared house. Going to court can frequently be more expensive, more conf...

How to divorce when your spouse is your...

There are some common complications to divorce or dissolving a civil partnership, usually involving disputes about finances, assets, residential arran...

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Shuttle mediation: is it better over video call?

In some cases, it can be too difficult for both parties to go through the mediation process simultaneously. Whatever the reasons for this may, these c...

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What to do if my partner won’t attend...

Often in divorce cases, one party thinks that if they dig in their heels, the problem will just go away. They may do this in a variety of different wa...

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Benefits of divorce mediation when mental health is...

Typically, by nature a divorce is a reasonably long process, that’s unavoidable. What we can influence however is the peacefulness of the proceeding...

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“There’s no such thing as an amicable divorce…”...

Divorce, historically, has not been a friendly process. The old image of matrimony-turned-acrimony with lawyers fighting over the family assets is not...

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Divorce explained to children age 12 – 18

Day One of Family Mediation Week, focuses on the panic of families getting caught up in the storm answering many questions they may have. The main foc...

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5 common mistakes about what mediators do (and...

The dictionary definition of mediation will tell you it’s intervention or arbitration in an attempt to resolve a dispute, and while this is a go...

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Outdated English divorce law leads to exaggerated unreasonable...

The lack of a no-fault divorce option in English divorce law has led thousands of couples to use exaggerated claims of unreasonable behaviour as a way...

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Why is child-inclusive mediation so important?

Any divorce can be stressful and emotional, but when young children are involved that can amplify the stress levels exponentially. Instead of just bei...

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How arguing affects your kids – and how...

It’s no surprise that many couples adopt a parenting style that relies on not disagreeing in front of the kids – presenting a united front...

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Child-inclusive mediation and how to co-parent after divorce

We see time and time again how child-inclusive mediation can help to make young people’s voices heard during divorce – and the benefits th...

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Lack of communication is one of the lead...

Unreasonable behaviour is most often cited as the reason for divorce in the UK. This official, legal reason can account for many different issues with...

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Older couple listening and smiling

Meet Marcia

A pioneer for mediation since commencing legal practice as a family solicitor some seventeen years ago, Marcia has worked exclusively as an independent mediator since 2004, focussing initially on family mediation, and latterly on work place mediation.

Marcia’s accreditations include Family Mediation and she is a qualified child consultant practitioner. Her associations include the Professional Mediators Association and Resolution.
