Marcia and Michael come with an impressive professional skill set. This includes years of experience mediating in all different family situations, a qualification in child inclusive mediation, litigation experience, and workplace dispute resolution.
Marcia Lister
A pioneer for mediation since commencing legal practice as a family solicitor some seventeen years ago Marcia has worked exclusively as an independent mediator since 2004, focusing initially on family mediation, and latterly on workplace mediation.
Marcia’s accreditations include Family Mediation and she is a qualified child consultant practitioner. Her associations include the Professional Mediators Association and Resolution.
Applying an approach, founded in both empathy and pragmatism, Marcia has successfully mediated a wide range of diverse disputes, both in and out of the workplace and at least a glimmer of a smile, maybe, on the faces of each participant at the close of the day is what makes her work so rewarding for all involved. Marcia’s mediations are a platform to build successful outcomes for everyone concerned.
Michael Lister
Michael is the founder and former managing partner of 25 years at Myers Lister Price solicitors.
As a commercial litigator in practice , his approach to litigation has always been to litigate aggressively, but only with a view to the earliest possible mediated settlement.
As a lifelong advocate for Mediation , Michael helped found Marcia Mediation and practices in both Family and workplace mediators.
As a family mediator Michael specialises in both financial cases, where he helps the parties focus on fair solutions to the value and division of assets including businesses and commercial property, and children cases, where he helps separating couples focus on their future roles as co-parents.
As a workplace mediator he calls on his experience as owner of a law firm to work with everyone involved to identify the common interest and move forward with a positive outlook.
Stacey Ross
Stacey is an accredited family mediator and works in all areas of separation and divorce in family mediation. Stacey has been helping families effected by relationship breakdown since 2018 and has a vast up to date knowledge of the family court system and has personal experience of how stressful, time consuming and expensive the process can be. A passionate advocate for the mediation process, she believes mediation provides a vital role in helping to resolve family disputes for child arrangements and financial matters.
Stacey offers a personalised service with an empathetic practical and personal approach. Stacey builds an excellent rapport with her clients and considers both the emotions and needs of each individual. Stacey has a calm and sensitive approach and always seeks to put herself in her client’s shoes, giving kindness and empathy to her clients and all family members involved and is particularly child focused when dealing with child matters.
Stacey is a member of the Family Mediation Council and the Family Mediators Association: she holds certificates in Child Protection and Neuro linguistic programming (NLP).
If you have any questions, call us on 0161 425 3940 or fill out this form