'Your Divorce Handbook': an interview with Marcia Lister - Marcia Mediation

Giving a child a voice in divorce can help them come to terms with these stressful changes. Here are some of the questions we ask children in mediation. ...

Marcia Mediation founder Marcia Lister has worked alongside a group of professionals from across South Manchester to produce ‘Your Divorce Handbook: It’s What You Do Next That Counts‘.

The paperback publication draws together decades of experience in divorce, separation and mediation, and features two full chapters written by Marcia: ‘Conflict and Mediation’ and ‘Getting Started with Mediation’.

We spoke to Marcia to find out more about the handbook, how it came about and the valuable advice it holds for anyone going through divorce, separation or marital conflict.

A picture of Your Divorce Handbook

How did ‘Your Divorce Handbook’ come about? What was the experience like?

“The divorce handbook came about because we all wanted to work together in a collaborative way to make a very difficult time just a little easier. We wanted to gather the best information from as many constructive sources so that those going through divorce/separation can make informed choices for their family unit.”

Who should read the handbook?

“This handbook is for anyone going through a divorce or separation or anyone contemplating it.”

What’s the story behind the cover image?

“The cover image simply symbolizes that even when life seems to be falling apart and everything is out of control, good positive stuff can still come from it, and you can grow to be the better version of yourself despite the difficult times you have been through.”

The cover of the book features a cracked ceramic bowl, repaired using the Japanese method of Kintsugi. This is the art of repairing broken pottery by filling in the cracks using a lacquer mixed with gold, silver or platinum. Instead of disguising the breakage, this highlights the repair as part of the object’s history and not something to be hidden.

How has mediation changed in your 20 years in the industry?

“Over the last 20 years, mediation has become more accessible to the average person as another viable option. More people than ever now understand what mediation is about. It is also widely encouraged by the courts as the first port of call to keep costs and stress levels to a minimum.”

This is reflected in statistics from the Family Mediation Council who, in early 2020, found that three quarters of separating couples choose mediation after attending an initial MIAM meeting, even though many are not aware of mediation as an option beforehand.

The FMC found that mediation was successful in over 70% of cases in autumn 2019, resulting in a full written agreement that resolved all issues in 50% of mediations, and a full verbal agreement in many more.

You and your co-authors are experts in a range of different fields. How do you see mediation’s role within these fields?

“The book is written by a group of professionals, with many decades of experience in working with separating and divorcing clients. They all therefore know when to signpost to the correct professional.

“Often mediation is the best way to start the process, to defuse matters, and then the mediator will discuss how the client should move on from there and the correct professional to consult. It of course depends upon the circumstances of each case, as not every matter is suitable for mediation.”

A Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting, compulsory for all divorcing couples, can assess the suitability of mediation in each case.  During the session, a trained mediator will explain what mediation is and how it could work alongside these other fields throughout your divorce journey.

‘Your Divorce Handbook’ features chapters by Tamsin Caine, Susan Leigh, Marcia Lister, Katie McCann, Carole Nettleton and Daniel Bell. The book is available to order in paperback now, priced at £12.99 RRP.

For more information, to order direct and to download the supporting documents mentioned in the book, visit the Your Divorce Handbook website. To learn more about the mediation services provided by Marcia Lister, contact Marcia Mediation today.

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