Hybrid and Integrated Family Mediation - Marcia Mediation

Divorce is a difficult ordeal for all parties involved, but even more so when there are children in the mix. Being caught in the middle, experiencing a lack of routine, and feeling as if you don’t have a say in the matter are a few of the most comm...

A hybrid mediation model allows clients’ solicitors, financial advisors, and other professionals to participate.

A fundamental belief of mediators is that individuals in conflict can, and should, be provided with every opportunity to collaboratively resolve their disputes, for their own well-being and for the benefit of their children and society. An essential expectation of courts should be to definitively assess and explore the potential for cooperative resolution.

The higher the level of conflict, the greater the need to find a mediated solution, resulting in greater rewards for doing so and a greater disparity in outcomes.

Effective Dispute Resolution in complex and entrenched cases often involves collaborating with other professional colleagues.

Marcia Mediation offers an integrated approach to family mediation, combining various methods to help clients effectively resolve disputes.

Consequently, we collaborate with other colleagues or individuals whom clients may rely on for support. Integrating others into the mediation process can be advantageous for several reasons. An excellent example is “lawyer-assisted mediation” (sometimes referred to as “hybrid mediation”), where clients’ lawyers are invited to join one or more mediation sessions to provide support, guidance, and advice. We refer to this as Integrated Family Mediation (IFM), a mediation practice encompassing diverse approaches and theoretical foundations from various disciplines, tailored to the specific needs of each family in every case.

IFM or Hybrid mediation may involve one or more of the following:

  • The mediator can involve other family professionals and experts in the process to address complex and challenging situations, such as accountants, valuers, independent financial advisers, psychiatrists, and independent social workers.
  • The mediator can include the parties’ lawyers to provide advice and support in complex and difficult cases.
  • Engaging in shuttle mediation, where the mediator spends time with each party individually, enabling a more in-depth exploration of issues and settlement proposals.

What are the advantages of IFM or Hybrid Mediation?

Hybrid mediation can be particularly effective when safeguarding issues are present, and one person does not feel comfortable being in the same room or on the same Zoom screen as the other.

It allows each person to thoroughly explore options with the mediator without feeling over-committed.

It enables other professionals to contribute their skills, knowledge, and solutions, resulting in a better-informed process more likely to achieve workable and fair settlements.

Hybrid mediation can be pursued before considering any court proceedings, or even if a couple is already in the court process but seeks to reach a settlement outside of it, avoiding the stress, delays, and costs of litigation.

What type of cases are suitable for IFM or hybrid mediation?

IFM or Hybrid mediation can address issues between separating couples related to finances, children, or both. Regarding finances, matters such as maintenance levels, asset distribution upon separation, long-term support for children, and the treatment of pension assets can all be addressed within a hybrid mediation setting. In such cases, each party can receive advice from their lawyers on how a negotiated settlement might differ from a likely outcome in court. Additionally, an independent financial advisor (IFA) might provide insights on future financial needs, an accountant on the value of a business, or a surveyor on the value of a complex property asset.

How long does it take?

Mediations typically involve three to five sessions, with each session lasting one to two hours. More complex cases might span a full day.

Could mediation help you?
Speak to us today.

If you have any questions, call us on 07791 560 161 or fill out this form

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